Do you have an idea for a session?
Submit your proposals for Instructional Courses, Interactive Sessions, Master Classes and more!
The Scientific Programme Committee in conjunction with the Office of Education is conducting an open call for instructional courses and sessions for the 43rd Annual Congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU) in Istanbul, Türkiye - Oct 11 to 14, 2023. Preference will be given to proposals received on topics that align best with the SIU 2023 Congress learning objectives and from recognized experts in the field who are good speakers and educators. We are endeavouring to have an all in-person meeting; therefore, at this time, virtual or pre-recorded presentations will not be included in the programming.
The deadline for proposals is December 15, 2022.
Faculty will be offered a preferred registration rate and are responsible for their own travel, accommodations, and other related costs.

Submission Requirements
Any the following elements may appear in the Congress website. Be sure to use wording that will appeal to your audience.
- Session Title
- Session Description (brief - up to 100 words)
- Duration of Session (90 mins)
- Session Layout (titles of lectures including duration of each)
- Learning Objectives
- Identified as they relate to the overall 2023 Congress objectives.
- For the session itself, described from the perspective of the attendee. E.g., “At the end of this session, attendees should be able to…”
- Faculty
- It is understood that faculty has previously agreed to participate should the proposal be accepted for presentation.
- We ask that you pay particular attention the geographical and gender representation of faculty. The SIU is an international society and strives to represent the needs and interests of its members from around the world.
- Brief Literature Review (View Sample)
- Highlights the unmet educational needs of session topic.
- It is referenced and lists the supporting scientific literature.
- Previous Course/Session Event Participation
All communications will be with the session chair, with a copy to the submitter.
The proposer of an accepted session will become the session chair. A co-chair may be added to assist with the responsibilities:
- Complete proposal by deadline.
- Open and prompt communication with the organizing committee and/or staff.
- Ensure that all deadlines and requirements for the session planning and execution, as defined by the organizing committee, are met.
- Communicate with all session faculty, including confirming participation, finding replacements when needed, details and duration of lecture.
- Review messaging and timing with all faculty prior to the session
- Chair and moderate session, including welcome and introductions, Q&A and closing remarks.
- Review content to avoid overlap amongst presenters.
- Timely execution of the session.