44th Congress of the Société Internationale d'Urologie
October 23 to 26, 2024

SIU 2024 Press Policy

Embargo Policy

The embargo policy applies to all abstracts that have been accepted for the 44th Congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie.

Abstracts presented at the meeting, and published in Société Internationale d’Urologie Journal, the official journal of the SIU, are embargoed until October 23, 2024.

Embargoed material is restricted for any and all public forums, including Internet, print, television, and radio, until the official start of the congress.


Registration, Attendance, and Facilities

The SIU provides complimentary registration to certified journalists/media. Journalists must complete the online registration form, as well as submit a valid photo ID and press credentials for verification purposes. Official press representatives are permitted to attend all scientific sessions, which include scientific and poster sessions. Press officials are also permitted to enter the exhibit hall. A valid registration badge is required to access all session rooms and exhibit hall and must be worn at all times. Access to the virtual platform is automatically granted with registration. For additional information, please contact our registration department at: [email protected]

The SIU will provide a private meeting space for interviews. Rooms will be available for a specific period determined by the SIU. Please contact the SIU Congress Director to schedule a meeting space at [email protected].


Photography and Filming

Interviews, videotaping, pictures, and voice recording for the intent of publication are strictly prohibited in the exhibit hall and during any scientific session or poster session at the Congress, unless express written consent is given by the SIU. Any person(s) in violation of this regulation will be banned from the congress and, if deemed appropriate, barred from future SIU congresses.

Please note, that sharing unembargoed screenshots of a presenter’s slides on social media during the congress is only permitted if the author/presenter is properly credited in the post.

Any publications using material obtained from the SIU Congress (photos, videos, recordings, etc.) must credit the event from which these were captured.

Disclaimer: Attendance or participation in the meeting constitutes an attendee's consent for SIU’s use and publication of the attendee's image or voice in photographs, video, audio, or other electronic media pertaining to the SIU Congress.

For any special requests regarding filming (opening ceremony, etc.), please contact SIU Executive Director at: [email protected].



Materials presented during SIU 2024, including slides, audio and video, abstracts, and posters, are protected by copyright and may not be published or shared without express written permission from the copyright owner. Presentation materials do not necessarily represent the views of the Société Internationale d’Urologie.



The SIU will make every effort to help facilitate interviews with members of the SIU Board, Congress Faculty and Planning Committees.

For questions or to arrange an interview, please contact SIU Executive Director at: [email protected].


Use of SIU Logo

Use of the Society’s logo on an outlet or organization’s website, publication, or displaying the SIU logo on any façade or background (physical or virtual), is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the SIU.

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