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In this 3rd edition of B2B GU Cancers Triad, SIU will convene world-renowned experts for a state-of-the-art meeting focused on the latest research in the top three GU cancers: bladder, kidney, and prostate. View the programme agenda here.

Event Description

The SIU Uro-oncology: GU Cancers Triad Meeting offers an engaging way to review current clinical research advancements and their applications in uro-oncology. This meeting will comprise an international high-profile faculty of experts in many fields. The multidisciplinary approach fosters an understanding across specialties. The B2B GU Cancers Triad will focus on providing updates on the evolving trends in the early detection of disease, recent results of clinical trials, new therapies, biomarkers, and new technologies and strategies for the treatment of urological cancers, including new surgical techniques.

The programme focuses on providing insights and sharing of knowledge and best practices aimed at guiding treatment decisions to improve patient outcomes. SIU has partnered with various organizations in various regions in organizing these meetings to provide updates on emerging clinical research advances in uro-oncology, and new approaches to patient care optimization. These meetings not only offer an educational opportunity, but also a way to network with colleagues and acquire insights from the experts during the Q & A and panel sessions.

Meet this year's expert faculty!

Learning Objectives

At the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Evaluate the benefits and risks of various treatment options across the treatment continuum in BCa, RCC, and PCa.
  • Discuss strategies to identify and manage adverse events related to immunotherapy.
  • Evaluate the role of immunotherapy vs VEGF-targeted therapies for RCC.
  • Evaluate the role of imaging or biomarkers vs biopsy in active surveillance for localized prostate cancer.
  • Discuss strategies for managing oligometastatic disease.
  • Discuss the importance of personalized medicine, based on costs and patient preference, while minimizing toxicity and maximizing efficacy.

This meeting will be transmitted live on SIU Academy and webcasts will also be available on-demand. Keep the conversation going by sharing your thoughts and questions with colleagues on social media using #B2BGUCancerTriad







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