Can�t join us in Glasgow?
You can still be part of the SIU 2014 Congress.
Introducing the
SIU@U Virtual Experience
SIU is proud to introduce
SIU@U, a simple, user-friendly web platform that offers online access to key plenaries, the Exhibit Hall, and other unique content from the Congress. For the first time ever, the very best highlights from the SIU Congress will be available online to urologists everywhere.
With SIU@U, the 2014 Congress becomes accessible live and on-demand to urologists around the world not able to make the trip to Glasgow. Through a convenient, user-friendly interface, virtual attendees can experience first-hand the best scientific content from SIU 2014.
Here�s what SIU@U users will experience:
Live or on-demand access to key sessions
throughout the Congress
CME credits while attending live sessions
Unique online content, including Q&A
sessions, roundtable discussions, and
interviews with top speakers
Opportunities to ask questions and give
comments to presenters through the platform
A virtual Exhibit Hall, where visitors can
use interactive digital technology to
explore the offerings from featured
exhibitors in Glasgow.
So even if you can�t join us in Glasgow, be sure to register for the
SIU@U Virtual Experience.
Free for
all urologists.
Click here to register today!
The 34th Congress of the Soci�t� Internationale d�Urologie takes place from October 12 to 15, 2014 at the Scottish Exhibition and Congress Centre (SECC), in Glasgow, Scotland. For more information, visit www.siucongress.org.

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