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Expert Interview on Transitional Urology

By: Dr. Dan Wood (United Kingdom) and Dr. Hadley Wood (United States of America)

With advancements in the field of urology, most children with congenital conditions grow up and lead healthier lives. However, what happens when these patients become adults and need long-term follow up to maintain their good health? Who should care for them? Providing a continuity of care for the “grown up” urologic patient represents a unique challenge in the field of urology.

This week’s feature presentation on SIU Academy will focus on a subspecialty of urology called transitional urology.

Our two experts: Dr. Dan Wood and Dr. Hadley Wood provide an interesting discussion and explore answers to questions such as:
  • What is the difference between transitional urology and congenitalism?
  • What diagnoses fall under the field of transitional urology?
  • What is the skill set that defines someone who is doing this type of work?
  • Why is congenitalism an important topic in urology?
  • How do we facilitate the process of caring for patients as they transition from adolescence to adulthood?
  • How are the problems seen in childhood differ from those seen adulthood?
  • And more…
Click here to view a short clip of this interview.

To watch the whole interview and for more:
Log on to SIU Academy           Click the Latest Educational Videos banner in the What's Trending tab

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Upcoming SIU-endorsed Events

T-2 for the 5th International Meeting "Challenges in Endourology and
Functional Urology"

5th International Meeting Challenges in Endourology and Functional Urology When: June 28–30, 2015
Where: Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel & Conference Center
Paris, France
Course Directors: Jean de la Rosette and Olivier Traxer
For more information: www.challenges-endourology.com

Good to know: Webcasts from the meeting's presentations will be included on SIU Academy at a later date. Don't forget to register on SIU Academy to get notified when the webcasts are available.

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