SIU News

Now Available: The Joint SIU-ICUD 2019 on Congenital Lifelong Urology

November 5th 2019

The SIU-ICUD Joint Consultation on Congenital Lifelong Urology is the 16th annual Joint Consultation of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU) and the International Consultation on Urological Diseases (ICUD), a collaborative initiative that seeks to address timely, critical needs for urological care worldwide.

This Consultation brought together a large international faculty with urology expertise across both pediatric and adult care. These experts were subsequently organized into six unique committees, which met at the 2018 SIU Congress in Seoul, Korea. Each committee produced a chapter in this book on an important topic in transitional urology.

Chaired by Drs. Hadley Wood and Dan Wood, the Consultation focused on the most salient issues that arise when patients with congenital urological disease transition from pediatric care to adult care. This publication provides original conclusions, bridging the gap between pediatric and adult care skillsets for the improvement of the management of adult patients with congenital urological disorders.

The publication which resulted from this initiative was published in the Fall 2019. It was made available at the SIU 2019 Congress in USB key format and is now downloadable on SIU Academy in PDF format.


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