SIU News

Submit your abstract for SIU 2021!

February 1st 2021


SIU 2021 is set to take place November 10-14 in Dubai! After spending 2020 at a distance, we are excited to welcome you to the SIU's 41st Congress - whether in-person or online through our dynamic virtual congress platform - for a state-of-the-art scientific programme developed by SIU’s Scientific Programme Committee, led by Drs Chris Evans and Rajeev Kumar.

Abstract submission is now open! Submit your research in any field of urology for consideration as moderated, unmoderated ePosters and videos. In addition to being featured on SIU’s eLearning platform, SIU Academy, as a dynamic ePoster, abstracts will be published as a supplement to SIU’s NEW official journal, Société Internationale d’Urologie Journal (SIUJ).

Be sure to read all the abstract submission guidelines prior to submitting! Submission deadline is May 1, 2021.


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