SIU News

Survey: Global Trends in Varicocele and Male Infertility

July 27th 2021

SIU supports research in important topics in global urology. The Andrology Department of Cleveland Clinic is conducting a very interesting online survey to understand global trends in managing various clinical aspects related to varicocele and male infertility. The survey was developed based on inputs from over 60 members of an international Varicocele Study Group (urologists/ andrologists) who contributed about 400 questions. This question pool was subjected to rigorous and multiple rounds of review to select the most clinically relevant questions.

Please use the link below to start the survey:

Note: This survey is specifically designed for urologists and andrologists who treat and operate on patients with varicocele. Any other clinician or researcher (if they receive this survey by mistake) is requested not to fill the survey. 
Once the survey is completed the results will be published under the title, “Consensus and Diversity in the Management of Varicocele associated with Male Infertility – Results of a Global Practice Survey”. This would be a unique study, a first on this subject internationally, and would provide a valuable perspective into the actual ground realities of varicocele management. This would include an extensive survey of all aspects of varicocele diagnosis and treatment by highly experienced experts from over 40 countries. Areas of consensus would be summarized as expert recommendations and discussed in the context of best practice clinical guidelines, and areas of disagreement would be highlighted as topics that need further research.

Very important: PLEASE remember to answer all 63 questions.

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