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SIU Academy Top 10 - April

May 5th 2020

SIU Academy Top 10 Content - April 2020


1. Webcast

Sesión #1: Cirugía Reconstructiva de Pene y Uretra

Reynaldo Gómez (Chile) & Ramón Virasoro (United States)



2. Webcast

Urology in the Era of COVID-19: Single-use endoscopes: does it make sense?

Daniel Adolfo Perez Fentes (Spain)



3. Webcast

DJ Stent Removal With Single-Use Cystoscope

Ioannis K. Goumas (Italy)



4. Webcast

COVID-19 from East to West: Learning through the Eyes of Urologists: the financial and economical burden of COVID-19

Dr. J. M. Zuckerman (United States), Dr. X. Cathelineau (France), Dr. G. M. Kirsh (United States), Dr. S. Loeb (United States) and Dr. F. Montorsi (Italy)


5. Webcast

Sesión # 2: Mejorando el Diagnóstico y Estadificación de Pacientes con Cáncer de Próstata

Andre Abreu (United States), Fernando Bianco (United States) & Francisco Gomez (Spain)



6. Webcast

Managing Uro-Oncological Patients in the Era of COVID-19

Simon Tanguay (Canada)



7. Webcast

How to Perform Stones Surgery Under Local Anesthesia in the Era of COVID-19

Guohua Zeng (China)



8. Educational Video

A Simplified Technique of Percutaneous Puncture without Moving the C-arm in the Split Leg Modified Lateral Position

Mohammed Lezrek (Morocco)



9. Educational Video

The Evolution of Treatment for RCC: Is Combination Immunotherapy-Targeted Therapy the New Standard?

Thomas Powles (United Kingdom), Jürgen Gschwend (Germany) and Laurence Albiges (France)


10. Live Streaming

“Being at Your Best” Courageous Leadership for Creative Problem Solving

Sean Elliott and Janet Pinkerton Dombrowski (United States)



SIU Statement on COVID-19 New on SIU Academy: Urology and COVID-19 Webinar and Resource Centre
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