SIU News

uRCADE 2.0 Online Tournament Winners

November 7th 2023

SIU Is pleased to announce the uRCADE winners from the online tournament last week. The leaderboard champion from each of the RCC Quest and I-O+ Challenger games won free virtual registration to our upcoming congress in New Delhi, October 23—26, 2024. Congratulations to all the winners for their expert display of knowledge on current and emerging therapies in bladder and kidney cancers!


Be sure to follow us at @SIU_Urology on X (formerly Twitter) to be advised of upcoming contests and tournaments and any other updates regarding uRCADE games. For more information on uRCADE and to play:

The uRCADE is made possible by independent educational grants from SIU Corporate Sponsor Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC.

The I-O+ Challenger is endorsed by the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition.

Go to uRCADE 2.0 this weekend to win! SIU Academy Top 10 - October2023
SIU 2024 Register Today
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