SIU News

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uRCADE 2.0 Online Tournament Winners

Congratulations to our leaderboard champs from last week's online tournament. Regardless if you have played many times or not at all, the games are still open! Click here to learn more!

November 7th 2023

Go to uRCADE 2.0 this weekend to win!

Missed your chance to play uRCADE v 2.0 in Istanbul? The games are still online and the latest online tournament ends this weekend! Play from now until November 5 for a chance to win free virtual registration to SIU 2024 in New Delhi.

November 3rd 2023

Upcoming Event: Urology Chronicles

Join us for the next Urology Chronicles as leading expert, Dr. Dean Elterman, shares the most recent surgical treatment options for BPH. Don't miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge of BPH treatments this Monday, November 6, 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm EST - 20:30 to 21:30 GMT

Register for FREE: 

November 3rd 2023

Upcoming Event: LUA23

The 14th Annual Conference of the Libyan Urological Association (LUA23) will take place from December 7 to 9 in Sirte, Libya. For information on the scientific programme or to register, click here.

October 26th 2023

uRCADE 2.0 Winners from SIU 2023

Congratulations to our leaderboard champs from last week's SIU Congress in Istanbul. While the winners have been named, the games are still open to play! Click here to learn more!

October 16th 2023

uRCADE 2.0 Now Live: Play to Win!

uRCADE v 2.0 is now live! Play from now until October 14 for a chance to win free registration to SIU 2024 in New Delhi.

October 11th 2023

Get Ready for SIU 2023!

Tomorrow marks the start of SIU 2023 in Istanbul! Whether you are attending in person, or online, make sure to download the SIU@U platform to create a customized schedule, watch sessions live and on-demand, and network with colleagues.

October 10th 2023

SIU 2023 Granted 31.5 EACCME® Credits!

Attend SIU 2023 online or in-person and you could be eligible to claim up to 31.5 CME credits. Make sure to follow all credit criteria to claim, including completing session and event feedback forms.

October 10th 2023

uRCADE 2.0 Coming Soon!

Coming soon – the uRCADE games you know and love, I-O+ Challenger and RCC Quest, are about to be re-booted! As of October 11, SIU is launching uRCADE 2.0, with new and updated challenges and questions.

October 3rd 2023

Upcoming Event: Urology Chronicles

Don't Miss the next Urology Chronicles, Update in Penile Cancer, with Dr. Philippe Spiess on October 2nd 1:30pm to 2:30pm EST - 20:30 to 21:30 GMT +3.

Register for FREE:

September 25th 2023
SIU 2024 Register Today
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