SIU News

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Start Exploring the B2B Men's Health Platform!

You can already start navigating the SIU's B2B Men's Health meeting platform on SIU Academy. Get ready for June 18-19: view the programme, faculty roster, and register for free!

May 30th 2021

SIU 2021 B2B GU Cancer Triad Meeting Now Available on Demand!

Were you unable to attend SIU's B2B GU Cancer Triad Meeting on May 21-22? Or did you simply miss out on one of the key lectures? We have your solution! All meeting content is available on-demand, for FREE, on SIU Academy. Click here to view!

May 24th 2021

Upcoming Event in Urology

The 115th Congrés Français d'Urologie in Paris, France will take place this fall. Click here for more details.

May 23th 2021

Test Your Knowledge on SIU's uRCADE!

Think you are up to date on the latest in bladder and kidney cancers? Prove yourself with SIU's I-OChallenger and RCC Quest educational games and make it to the top of the leaderboard (all while earning CME credits).

May 22nd 2021

Register now for free! B2B Meeting on Men's Health - June 18-19

On June 18-19, join us on SIU Academy as experts tackle the biggest topics in Men's Health, from current treatment options to what's upcoming on the horizon. Earn up to 6 EACCME® credits; registration is free!

May 21st 2021

Get Ready for the B2B GU Cancers Triad starting May 21!

Go to SIU Academy starting May 21 for the B2B GU Cancers Triad Event! The event is open-access - click here to join!

May 20th 2021

Get ready for an exciting uRCADE tournament!

On May 21, step forward and do your best to climb to the top of the leaderboard for the I-O+ Challenger or RCC Quest games on SIU's uRCADE. Special prizes will be given to those who secure the top positions by 11:59 PM May 21 UTC and winners will be announced on Day 2 of the SIU's B2B GU Cancers Triad Meeting on SIU Academy!

May 7th 2021

The SIU & WBCPC Enter Formal Agreement to Advance Bladder Cancer Care

The Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU) and the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition (WBCPC) are pleased to announce that they have entered into a formal two-year partnership with the aim to improve the quality of bladder cancer best practices and standards of care worldwide.

May 3rd 2021

SIU 2021 Abstract Deadline Extended!

The SIU 2021 Abstract Submission deadline has been extended until May 30! Submit your abstract today and join us in Dubai!

May 2nd 2021

SIU Academy Top 10 - April

Check out the top-viewed pieces of content on SIU Academy from April!

May 1st 2021
SIU 2025 Edinburgh - Save the Date
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